Monday, August 17, 2009

Back to Acting - Part 1: The Audition

Did you ever work so hard to achieve something in one area of your life, but never seem to reach your goal? Maybe you didn't even know what your goal really was, you just allowed yourself to be a pinball on a random course of hit and miss till you finally gave up the fight and let the ball drop. This is how I relate to my acting career.

I am sure there have been many actors out there who have dreamt of being on TV or movies or even in a Broadway show. I must say I am guilty of all three and still have not managed to work my way there. I used to think it was a lack of talent on my part, but recently I have learned that talent really has only a small part to do with it.

Let me start off this blog the right way. Tell you a little bit about me and my background.... I'll try to keep it to the point. Catch me if I start to babble, okay?

My name is Louis and I am a 29 years old male from a small metropoliatan town in NJ. I was actually named Michael Angelo at birth, however my father decided to have his only son named after him. To be a king or an artist, that is the question. Does it surprise you that my father is currently not talking to me? (We'll get to that as the plot thickens.)

I grew up loving to be in the spotlight. I actually got my first taste of real spotlight at the age of 6 as I stood in my elementary school infront of everyone and with only a giant cut-out of a green dragon, cut-out of a little boy, a little barbershop hat and a microphone I sang Peter, Paul and Mary's "Puff the Magic Dragon" for my 1st Grade talent show. I was so darn cute back then, who could resist applauding my job well done and talent. Thank you mom for putting me out there and for drawing and cutting those amazing cut outs. I kid you not, my mother is the real artist in the family- she is always able to create a masterpiece out of nothing.

Well, that brings me to my second glimpse of spotlight... The Haphazard role.
My best friend in the 5th grade elementary was Scott. (Scott currently is living his dreams with his amazing talent for poetry and influencing kids lives) Since I was mostly friendless in the 5th grade, Scott was nice enough to take me under his wing and crack me out of my shell a little. We performed "The Bartman" for the 5th grade talent show and that summer I went to camp with Scott where he dragged me to audition for an abriged version of "Grease".... I was happy to settle for a chorus part, but he made me get up and sing for the lead. Well, needless to say, he was right.... I got the lead and played Danny Zucko. I don't know how my acting was, but my parents raved about it for years.

That brings me to the current day and age. August 10th, 2009 (1 week ago) when I drove my North Hollywood apartment to an audition for the first time in 5 years. The whole reason I came to California was to persue acting in TV or Film, yet had made a better name for myself in a couple of different rock 'n roll bands. So I thought, if one door opens, why continue to try the keys of the other doors? Well this time I did.

I auditioned for a fairly modern play called "The Little Dog Laughed" (author and links will come later). My first cold read was pretty darn good. I just tried to regurgitate all the tools I had learned from my 4 years of Acting training in college. Beats. How is your character acting? What is his intention at this time? What is the subtext in between the lines? Are you actually listening and responding?

Long story short. I got a call-back for the next night.

Tuesday I go into the call-back, almost 100% sure that the director had thought I was okay and just wanted to compare me to the person she really wanted to cast- the really handsome guy with a great body and dark hair. Well surprise, surprise... this stunning masterpiece from God wasnt even at the callback. But there was that one guy... looked almost exactly like me with a shaved head and scruffy facial hair- Oh! He's the one they are going to cast. He was actually reading for both male leads that night... I didn't get a chance to read with him until the final scene where we didn't really talk to each other and I thought we had GREAT stage chemistry.

Once again, Louis is wrong.... this guy didn't get cast in either role. In fact, it just so happens that I am cast as the lead.... WTF??? Seriously? Did the $18,000 dollars of acting training pay of that well? Cause it certainly didn't work for the past 7 years. I dunno, but all I have to say is this- and then I will let your eyes rest for the night- I have never been so excited to be back on stage as I am now. I just hope all my friends and family are okay with seeing me 100% naked on stage and I do not mean emotionally exposed. Yes, there is a scene where I will need to take off all my clothes. Let's see how this one starts to pan out.... I can just see the Disclaimer on the fliers now "Parental Advisory: Artistic Nudity".

Good Night my new Blog friends and thank you to the movie Julia & Julie for making me start this blog.

1 comment:

  1. congratultions on the part, loo!! i am so excited for you. i can't promise i'll get out to see the play but i will try. i don't mind seeing your willy as i've already seen everything else. :)


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